Coronavirus Updates and Christ Emmanuel Service Plans

Dear Christ Emmanuel Family,
There is no doubt that the subject of the Coronavirus and the steps the church will take have been on many of your minds. Please know that the leadership of Christ Emmanuel cares about the health and welfare of each of our members and will take the necessary steps to ensure that we have done our very best to guard against the spread of the COVID 19 Virus. We still believe and in fact, believe all the more, that we praise and worship Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or think according to the power that is at work in us. Our prayer of faith still is the power that works within us and we still believe that it can save the sick.
The Leadership Cabinet will be meeting Saturday morning with a medical professional who will provide us with a comprehensive plan to implement to meet this public health challenge. I am writing to do my very best to share with you some of the steps we will be taking, beginning this Sunday morning, March 15, 2020. Unless directed not to do so, by local government officials, we will continue to have Sunday morning services in the sanctuary. If you or members of your family are not well, please do alert the church office at 513-242-5200, or you may share your prayer request on the CECF website at, so we can pray for yours or your family member’s healing. For our members who choose not to physically participate in our service, you will be able to worship our God in your offering through texting at (513) 318-0524 or by giving online at
Please find below the procedures we will follow beginning this Sunday morning:
- Before entering the sanctuary, please use hand sanitizer or be certain you have washed your hands with soap and hot water for at least twenty seconds.
- We will refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or hand-holding during prayer.
- We will walk to give the offering.
- We will continue to pray for the cessation of this virus and for the protection and sustenance of all life.
- Sunday morning services (including Sunday morning Bible Study), rehearsal and intercessory prayer ministry that meets during those times will be the only times for gathering. All other planned gathering events will be postponed including all of the events planned for the month of March.
We will follow this protocol beginning this Sunday and until the Leadership Cabinet believes we can relax these measures. I encourage you to believe to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.